Art games
Good day newgrounders. Today I would like to speak about art games and other collections... blah blah blah. Imagine some more introduction sentences. We all know that you hate to read, so I will just get to the point.
Recently I saw a new and rising game collection "Art games". If you would be kind, I would like to suggest some works to be included there, as the collection is currently rather small. So here are those works:
Menulis - Why? Relaxed atmosphere, not very challenging. Satisfaction coming not from achieving or overcoming, but rather from the actual process of playing. Some freely interpretable symbolism. Interesting execution (animations were hand drawn on scraps of paper, then scanned and put into flash).
Miestas - Why? Similar to above as it is sequel of the above game.
Pragaras - Why? Lots of symbols, thoughts on society. Intended emotion is not fun or happiness, but concern and meditation. Gives some analysis on modern values and virtues.
Those three were the works of our 3j team and I do not want to be some self-centerd advertiser. Here are some works by other people:
Every day the same dream - Why? Again satisfaction not in the overcoming of obstacles, but in the calm and slow process itself. The game has a point of view, expresses the universal values and virtues, which tend to be forgotten (not only these days, it was always so, just in different ways).
The Scale of the Universe - Why? Well this one may be highly debatable, but the main reason I guess is that everything is based on the experience, on the fact of how facanated you feel despite the fact that you can only zoom in or out.
William and Sly - Why? My personal favorite. Beautiful art, laid back atmosphere. The whole fairy tale mood... And so on.
Ok, that is all. If you find that some games lack something to be regarded as "Art games" please express your opinion. After all, art is something that is highly based on personal opinion and lacks a strict definition.
Collections in general
Another thing I was interested in speaking about was collections. It has come to my attention that a lot of games which could be sorted into collections aren't in any. That is why I would like to discuss some of methods newgrounds could use to submit work to collections.
One of them would be author suggested collection. When author submits a work, he could choose a collection which he thinks would fit the game. And then when user clicks "Recommend for a collection" button he would first get the authors suggestion. The user then could choose whether he agrees with the author or not. If he does, his vote goes for the authors sugesstion, if he does not he gets to choose from that outrageous and huge list.
Another would be introducing another set of points for collection submitters, similar to blam and protection points. They would increase voting power or collection voting power or something like that. Or maybe have some diffirent secrets tree which would unlock with proper collection votes. Like blam and save points the user would get points only if the work is submitted to the collection he suggested.
And lastly if collections would be revived, there would be a need to browse them easily and find what you are looking for with as little digging as possible. Now I will not get into this, so wait for two weeks until I am allowed to post on front page again. I'll give a thought about how to sort work within a collection.
Please share your thoughts about things that I wrote, whether it is about art games or about collections in general.