Wow, you picked some heady stuff to speak about. I've never heard of any of them, sadly... :/
Age 33, Male
Game Programmer
Vilnius university
Lithuania, Vilnius
Joined on 9/13/05
Wow, you picked some heady stuff to speak about. I've never heard of any of them, sadly... :/
Well from avaliable choices it was one of the easiest ones. I guess the fact that you can gather information for about a month, results in all topics being realetivley difficult.
Puse zmoniu sita tema renkas. Nes ner is ko rinktis, isties. Prastos tos potemes.
Potemes ne tiek prastos, kiek sunkios. Sita man pasirode maziausiai abstrakti del to ir pasiemiau. Labai lengva skaidyti. 1 minute izangai ir pabaigai, ir po 2 minutes kiekvienam autoriui. Dar visai nelboga yra apie UNESCO pavelda. Arba daug skaitantiems knygu 10'ukas.
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Cannot afford!
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